Friday, June 6, 2014

Time to Reflect

As you know, I am back in the college grove!  I have been taking online courses for a little over a month now and I am gaining a ton of information about the Learning Profession.  This week's topic was all about taking the time for reflection.  Of course, we as teachers do this all the time (subconsciously and consciously) as we are on the go, but do we collaborate with each other as we reflect?

Today I am sharing my homework assignment with you in the form of this question:  What do you plan on doing differently next year? Why?

 Last year, I really needed to work on making math fun (it is definitely not my favorite subject).  So I switched my teaching schedule so that math was the first subject taught and I made sure to include awesome math centers to help make it engaging.  The results were AMAZING!  I even became more excited about teaching the subject and my kiddos could tell!

This year, I really want to work on promoting interdependence among my students and create some fun, engaging centers that are effective throughout the school year.  I also need to focus on prioritizing when it comes to lesson plans, homework, and other school work. My list could go on with a billion things I want to change, or introduce within my classroom, but now I want to hear from you!  As you reflect on the school year what are some things you plan on changing?

Let me know!

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