Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Baby's First Day at Summer School!!

After having Ivory, my amazing Administrators and Pastors agreed to reopen the nursery at our school upon my return.  This was such a blessing! If I ever had any concern about Ivory or just wanted to love on her, all I had to do was go downstairs and give her hugs and kisses.  This made going back to work a much easier transition.  And I knew summer was right around the corner and I would be able to love on my baby girl all day long!!

But, now summer is almost over!  There are only a few more weeks before it's time for teachers to head back to work, and if you glanced at my Summer Bucket List you know I've got some work to do.  My sweet hubby recommended we use one of the backup daycare incentives that his job offers so that I can get some work done.  I was very hesitant at first, but after touring the daycare I was thoroughly impressed and decided I felt comfortable with her attending that  school.

As we got closer and closer to the date, I began to get really nervous!  I had second thoughts.  I began to feel like a horrible mommy.  I decided I was going to work at home with baby girl, but every time I tried, I barely got any work done. 

Finally, after much prayer, I decided it would benefit both of us.  Ivory will be getting the social interaction she needs from other babies and I will be able to complete some much needed work.

The first day I dropped off Ivory, I came bearing gifts.  I mean....I get it.  My first job was at a daycare.  I am sure it can be a little unnerving for the teachers to all of sudden have a new infant in their care that they don't know much about.  

My thoughts were that this little gift will show my appreciation (in advance) for the care and love I prayed for them to shower my baby girl with.

Who doesn't like popcorn and chocolate?!?!  I hope they truly felt appreciated.  After all, it's never too earlier to show some teacher appreciation 😉.

P.S.  This precious one was so sleepy when I dropped her off.  She was also a big girl the entire time and didn't even cry when I walked out.  I guess she was ready to hang out with other babies and make new friends!

Live, Laugh, Love 2 Teach!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

My Summer Bucket List!!

If you're anything like me, you make a to-do list for EVERYTHING!  (Honestly, it's so bad, my husband thinks it's my favorite hobby).  And if you're a lot like me, there is a great possibility that you overestimate the amount of things you can accomplish within a 24 hour period.  Yep folks, that's me!

I end up feeling like this most days:
So much to do, so few people to do it for me. Remind you of anyone?

But does that stop me?  Absolutely not!  So I continue making my unrealistic to do list until one magical day they become a bit more realistic.  

...with that being said, my summer bucket list is of no exception!

Since we're already half way through the summer, some of these items have been checked off already.  However it's still a pretty extensive list, so whatever I don't complete this summer will most likely carry on through the school year.

My Summer Bucket List:


☐Balance work/home life.
🗹Plan for family quality time.
🗹Date night every other Friday (just the two of us).
☐Drop 10-15lbs!  Believe me, it's necessary!  I will know I have officially reached my goal when I can fit into the clothes I could wear a year ago.
🗹Make better food choices.  
☐Go for a walk at least 3-4 times a week.
☐Keep house clean somewhat clean!!
🗹Have a functional evening and morning routine prepared for back to school.
🗹Start blogging!!!
☐Have a successful No Spend Month (in August). 
☐Embrace some alone time.
☐Organize garage and closet.

Baby Girl:

🗹Prepare for baby girl's ½ birthday celebration! Create summer schedule for baby girl.
🗹Start the Happy Sleeper routine in her own room!
🗹Have some play dates with my friends an their babies!
🗹Tummy time 3☓s a day.
🗹Story time 3☓s a day.
🗹Library 2☓s a week.
☐Sensory activity 1☓ a week.


🗹Brainstorm thematic unit ideas and possible PBL, STEM, & project report activities that correlate. 
☐Create thematic lessons for PBL activities.
🗹Create long range pacing guide.
☐Create homework binder.
☐Create student take home binders.
☐Get a head start on interactive anchor charts.
🗹Create emergency sub plans for each quarter.
☐Create student writing offices.
☐Organize guided reading activities.
☐Prep word wall items.
☐Create PBIS binder!!!
🗹Catch up on some PD reads.
☐Prep for meet the teacher.
🗹Begin planning for vehicle fair.
🗹Begin planning for classroom fundraisers.
🗹Create field trip check list.
🗹Confirm field trips for the year.


🗹Take a vacation!!
🗹Host a game night.
☐Practice my baking skills.
🗹Plan hubby's surprise party!!

Well folks, that's it!  I know this is a massive list.  Like I said, I have a serious problem with creating realistic to do lists.  One day I will might  get better.  Until then, pray for me! 😉  But just out of curiosity, is there anyone that shares this same issue?  I know I can't be the only one....Right?

Until next time,

Live, Laugh, Love 2 Teach

Mrs. Williams

Monday, July 8, 2019

I know, I know...

It's been a while.  It's a long story, but let me show you why!

 I'm A Mommy!!!
On November 27, 2018, my husband and I welcomed this precious one into our lives! She is now 7 months and is such a joy!

Honestly, a lot more has happened since last year.  My husband and I moved into our very first house and a one month later we found out we were expecting!

Yes, it's been over a year since I've posted.  Like I said, it's a long story.  The short version...I had a very rough pregnancy, but I didn't log on to give you the short version 😉.  So here goes...

My pregnancy was the most difficult journey I have ever taken.  It was my very first pregnancy and I honestly thought I had a pretty good idea of what to expect...Boy was I wrong!  I ended up missing   2 1/2 months of work before taking maternity leave due to sickness.  A fraction of that time was spent in the hospital.  Folks, I could physically do nothing at all!  The only thing my body could do was serve as an incubator for my precious baby girl.

Although this journey was the most challenging, it truly allowed me to see God's provision, love, and grace within my life.  I consider myself a very independent, orderly person but my dear husband and mother had to take care of me on a daily basis during my pregnancy.  I was truly, truly humbled.  My administrators and coworkers helped keep me covered and protected my teaching position.  My friends poured all kinds of love and encouragement into my heart.  I also received many prayers from my friends and family.  However, one of the things that truly helped strengthen me and change my perspective throughout this entire process was this book:

Image result for supernatural childbirth images

I bought this book as a Kindle download because I was desperate to read it.  I also bought the audio version and played it every morning.  I recommend this book to any woman wanting to have children or currently pregnant.  Believe will bless your socks off! 

I did eventually go back to work after my maternity leave.  I was welcomed back by a very sweet group of kids.  We had a great time finishing out the school year together.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a media waiver signed, so I'm not able to post pictures of the class 😞.  However, I have a tun of fun planned for this upcoming school year and I will definitely make sure I share our activities!

Now baby girl is here! We are both happy, healthy, and in love!  And I am ready to BLOG!

Live, Laugh, Love 2 Teach

Mrs. Williams

Monday, November 13, 2017

First Week's Themes

The first few weeks of school is all about rituals, routines, and having fun learning.  So here are a few of the centers we do every year as we get to know each other.

We practice reading with our whisper phones.

Write the Room is an all time favorite!!  The students are on the hunt for some sight words!
Check out these cool glasses!!  I bought all of the glasses used for this center from the Target Dollar Spot or Dollar Tree.  Such a cool way to add to the centers.

All of the students took this center very seriously!  Sometimes its fun to be able to get up and move around while learning.

Here we are working so hard!!!  I like to play worship music during seat work as long as they are working unto the Lord ;) 

Number handwriting centers.  This is a major center to have on hand especially at the beginning of the school year.

Chester themed number matching center.

Once we graduate to Kindergarten Play Dough has a whole new purpose.  Say good-bye to balls and pancakes!  We're making words!!!
I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek into the first few weeks of school!!

Live, Laugh, Love, 2 Teach

Mrs. Williams

Sunday, November 5, 2017

New Room, New Theme!

While teaching summer VPK I realized why teachers get  a summer break; and quite frankly, its because We.....NEED....a....BREAK!  Now don't get me wrong, I truly, truly enjoyed working with my wonderful preschoolers; after all that is where I started.  However, as summer break quickly came to an end, it brought with it the start of a new school year.  So, that was my life in a nut shell during summer break....Work Work Work Work Work!!!! 

As you can imagine, I said plenty of prayers about the upcoming school year.  I prayed for a peaceful school year, with a great group of kids and parents.  I even prayed for the year to go by with great finesse and ease......and that's when I got THE CALL FROM THE PRINCIPAL.  Before I go on any further, I am sure their are some teachers out there who dread getting THE CALL, especially one week prior to teacher pre planning.  This call can mean several things: 1) You have been moved to another grade level. 2) You have been moved to another classroom. 3) You have been moved to another classroom and another grade level. 4) You have been transferred to another school. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to answer the phone right away. So I was left with a message asking if I could stop by the school for a "talk" before I begin to work in my classroom.  Come on teachers...."a talk."  I was pretty confident I wasn't being transferred, but something told me I just may end up switching rooms.  Now, this something came from the fact that I pretty much had my classroom set up the way I wanted and had just added some majorly cool bulletin boards to the walls.  Well, I did have to switch classrooms, but get this!  I was asked to move into a smaller classroom because I only had 7 kids this year!  I don't think you heard me...7 kids!!! I had more kids in my summer VPK program!  Needless to say, I so graciously and gratefully complied.  I truly believe my prayers were answered.  Although I had to do some moving around.  I would take that deal any day!

So, without further ado, let me share some before and after pictures!

Memory Lane 

 My old classroom was HUGE!!!!  I decorated with the cutie pie Bird Theme I made.  If you need a refresher just click HERE to see my original classroom tour.

Old Classroom 

Now here is a picture of my old classroom as I begin to prepare my new Black and Bright Theme!

My anchor chart wall.  Displayed on the back wall.

My calendar math and rules board 

This is just a smidget of the mess I make on my side of the bed when preparing for anything school related.

New Classroom: Before Pics

Soooooo...This is the view of my new room from the door.  I wonderful person donated thousands of books to the school and this just so happens to be where they were stored during summer break.

This is the back of the room.

The front of the room.

New Classroom: After Pics

View from the door.  My make shift desk (this room was too tiny for a large desk).
Another view from the wall near the door.  My Calendar math and gathering area.

The view form the back.  With our fabulous anchor chart display, student mailboxes, and paper organizer.

The front of the room.  The black bulletin boards will represent a sight word wall and a general picture word wall.

I hope you have enjoyed the mini tour of my new classroom!!  I believe this room is just the right size for the seven kinders that will make their way into my room!

Live, Laugh, and Love 2 Teach

Mrs. Williams

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Summer VPK Centers

We have had so much fun in our classroom so far this summer!  I am so proud of these future kinders.  I can already tell they have come a long way!  Here are a few of the centers we have implemented so far.

Play-Dough Center

I love introducing play-dough centers to my students in the beginning of the school year.  We use play-dough to practice our name, letters, sight words, word walls, etc.  We had a blast leaning how to form our letters out of play-dough! Check it out!

Letter and Sound Centers

We have been practicing our letters and sounds every day.  This game is similar to a memory game in which students have to match the letter with the picture that begins with that sound.  It was all apart of our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom center.  I think they enjoyed it!  We are also creating our own alphabet wall with the letters we make during arts and crafts!

Math Centers

We have incorporated so many different and fun activities within our math centers.  I think it will be best to explain each activity as a caption under the picture.  Check it out!

We can now match the color words with the colors!  Yay!  We are reading color words!

This center requires another spin to our color word match.  Now we have to sort our colorful legos, too!

We have learned that puzzles are a great way to exercise our brains.

We can match the number to the amount of items in a jar!

We can add cubes to match the numbers on our flashcards!

We can also become architects with our building blocks!

We have had a blast discovering our new centers!  Thanks for stopping by to check it out!