Our Garden and Graduation
This year I decided to have a "Moving on Ceremony" along side our VPK's graduation. Well, the only dilemma was that we had to wait one whole week after school in order to have our graduation ceremony with VPK. Needless to say, I prayed a lot during that week that my kinders would be ready for the ceremony and remember all of their lines. Well, they did an excellent job! I am so proud of them!
They all look so cute and serious. They are watching VPK perform. Sorry, I couldn't include any images of VPK, I don't have any media release clearance with them. They were oh so cute! You're just going to have to trust me.
Our Garden
Our garden actually has a funny story that goes along with it:
I have always wanted to start a garden, however, everything I have tried to grow in the past has died. So, I knew it would be a big risk trying to start one with my class. I asked just about every teacher in the school if they had a green thumb. Unfortunately, no one really claimed to have one. I finally, received help from Ms. Rob, the middle/high science teacher. So both of our classes went outside and filled huge pots with seeds and soil and spoke life into it and commanded it to grow. Well, two days later, we find our pots dumped out! We were a little sad of course, but then Mr. Ted, our school/church's head of security, came and told us he did it! It was clearly an accident, but it must have been a God wink because Mr. Ted knows all about gardens! He proceeded to give us everything we needed to start our own garden. We planted cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and basil. He even built a garden bed for us!
Here is the lovely garden bed Mr. Ted made for us.
He even came by and placed the stakes in, so our cucumber and tomato vines can grow up the stakes.
Our garden grew will beyond our expectations!
Thank you Mr. Ted for helping our garden grow!!!

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