End of Year Update
I just so happen to go through my classroom pictures and realized that I haven't shared over half of our awesome kinder moments. I have had an amazing school year! I was truly blessed with such an awesome group of students and parents! I will truly miss them! Here is a little slide show I put together to share those amazing moments.
Mrs. Williams' Kindergarten Class 2017
I'm not trying to be sappy and overload you with pictures, but......that's just what I'm going to do! There were so many special memories to share and I wanted to make sure I was able to share them all.
Birthday Surprise
One of our students decided to celebrate their birthday with the class and guess who showed up! Let me just say, I had parents that were excellent event planners. When ever I talked about having any kind of celebration or party for the classroom, they went well beyond my expectations! So, this birthday boy had a Paw Patrol party. Just imagine the faces on all the kids who happened to see him walk through the hallway....PRICELESS! He even did the Tooty-Ta dance with us!
Disclaimer: Yes, that is me giggling in the background. I couldn't help myself! I thought it was just hilarious. Also, we were much louder than normal so that's why my buddy had to mention it. He was right, but we were just having so much fun!
100th Day of School
Students had to build a tower out of 100 cups. This was my first year introducing a center like this and my kinders loved it! I was a bit surprised, but sometimes the simplest things can be the most entertaining.
Our 100th day gumball machine.
Our 100th day snack mix. Which is my favorite center.
Our 100th day hat.
This was just a small glimpse into our classroom that day. We actually completed so many activities (write the room, count to 100 puzzle, writing to 100, etc.), I just wasn't able to capture it all.
Paper Bag Biography
So, I can't take the credit for this idea. I actually stole borrowed it from a fellow teacher. For Black History Month each student was assigned an African American historical figure that has positively impacted our country. My kinders had to study their assigned person and gather factual information about them. They also had to include four objects that represented their person. Let me just say....those students blew me away with their awesome presentations!
St. Patrick's Day
On St. Patrick's Day we learned a little about the legend of St. Patrick. We also talked a little bit about leprechauns ;) and discovered that one must have come into our classroom and turned it all topsy turvy! Lets see if you can find out what's wrong with this picture.
By the time we finished cleaning our classroom we were able to find a pile of treasure to put in our rainbow pot (made out of paper plates of course).
Here we are getting ready to make our green slime!
I will admit, this was my first time making slime, so I was just as amazed as we noticed the change in texture once we poured our borax in!
I think they enjoyed it! ;)
I will take a moment to reflect on this day...This year was my first time celebrating St. Patrick's Day, so I tried to make it as fun and cute as I could, especially since I invited the VPK class to join us. However, next year it will be fun, cute, and soaked in educational experiences. Next year, I will create clues to help students Draw Conclusions as to where their treasure may be hiding. I will also, make sure we incorporate the study of matter with our slime activity. My mind is still reeling on the activities for this day, but I think we can make it just as fun and educational next year. Expect an update soon!

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