Monday, May 26, 2014

My Summer Bucket List

I decided to link up with Deanna Jump to share my top 10 summer wishlist!  So here goes!

1. Create some TPT/TN activities
I definitely plan on increasing my store supply.  I have already written down a few ideas that I can't wait to create!  Don't worry, you will definitely get a sneak peek of everything that goes in the store.

I don't care where as long as it is anywhere but here!  I am ready to hit the road.  I know there is an awesome I Teach K! conference coming up with the TPT conference immediately after.  I would imagine that this would be the perfect place to travel.  Maybe even make it a road trip experience!!!

Yes, I will be working part-time at my school 's summer camp.  I'm excited about putting my on spin on teaching and making it even more fun!!

I have a relatively small classroom and although the floor plan was just fine this year, I can already feel that itch for a change of space.

Okay, so I have collected a few thousand education materials over the years.  Now it is time for me to go through it all and rediscover what I already have.  I would show you a picture, but honestly, I'm embarrassed!

I will definitely be digging into some Debbie Diller books.  Especially "Math Workstations" and "Making the Most of Small Groups." I will also be blog hopping to see what other good reads are out there!

I am very determined to get fit and eat well this summer! I already have a work out routine now all I have to do is follow it.

Okay, I admit, I don't really like to cook.  So, I will be practicing the skill of cooking.  Quick and easy meals mind you. Pintrest has become my best friend lately when it comes down to looking up some fun meals.

Whoop! Whoop! Most exciting thing on my to do list!  I am so ubber excited about planning out the details of my wedding.  It so hard not to get so caught up in it all.

10.  RELAX
Notice this is the last thing on my to do list.  Meaning most of the time, this is the one thing that doesn't get checked off the list, but I promise I will get some R&R this summer!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

I'm Back!!

I am very excited to announce that I have come back to the world of blogging!  Since I've spent almost an entire school year off the grid, I must update you on the wonderful things that have happened this year.

First and foremost, I'M ENGAGED!! I am so excited to begin the preparations to spend my life with the bestest man in the whole world! (Yes, I know bestest is not a word, but I thought I'd pull a Dr. Seuss on ya!).  What is so awesome about this is that my fiance, Shaun, had my principal and my students from last year involved in the proposal!  My principal interrupted a very intense writing lesson and had a bunch of my students from last year come in holding signs that said WILL....YOU....MARRY....and then Shaun came in with ME!  It was PERFECT!  He even brought in cupcakes for my kinders to celebrate with me :).

Secondly, I have started school.  I'm four weeks in to online Master's Program in Reading and Literacy so pray for me!  Although I'm nervous about online classes I'm also excited.  I plan on taking everything I learn and applying it into the classroom.

Thirdly,  I have a new Kindergarten team that I am working with.  I am happy to say that we make a pretty AWESOME team! We already have so many cool ideas for the team and we have already developed an awesome rapport.

Finally,  My kinders this year were a blast!  We learned so much and had so much fun now it's just about time to say goodbye. I'm going to miss those kiddos but I'm already excited to meet my next group of kinders.

Well that's all for now!

Live, Laugh and Love 2 Teach