The second week of summer VPK is almost over and the cuties are starting to gain some academic momentum as they master basic skills and routines! I must say this week did seem to fly by especially with all the fun we had. Here are some activity highlights throughout the week:
Here we are learning the appropriate way to handle our library books! Nice gentle touches please!
I just introduced this center this week and by-golly, I think they like it! The objective is to find a particular letter within the poem chart. They get to use a detective wand (aka: bubble wand) and a magical marker (aka:dry erase marker)! They did really well working in groups!
This was a pretty challenging center but Alan flocked right on over to it and successfully completed it! We have a special number word song that we sing every time we learn a new number. I made sure to tell my students that they didn't have to match the number words if they didn't want to, but Alan was up for the challenge!
We discovered that the big G looks like it's curling up to show us his muscle! We played I Spy with alphabet letters and some friends had to find the big G (muscles and all :) )!
We have been learning how to be excellent illustrators this week. One of our lessons was all about how to draw a person. The first picture is the one I modeled for the class. We talked about using the appropriate colors for a person (not blue or purple). We also talked about adding in some details like the sky, grass, trees, sun, etc.
Letters are everywhere and so are words!! Here we are learning how to stretch out sounds to make a word!